About, say twenty or thirty years ago, computers were in an infantile 'hobbyist' stage; "Getting a computer" meant buying a motherboard (if that) and adding little electronic things to it. Some things were available in parts at different locations, but something had to be made from scratch. As time and technology raced each other, computers have become extremely commonplace, from being embedded in our everyday lives to being sold as fairly discrete units that can be bought in a single box at a store and after a little bit of color-coded setup, can do anything you could hope to do with a computer.
Except walk around. In my opinion, we are NOW with robotics where we were THEN with computers. The economy of course will play a part in the rate of technological advancement, especially in regards to those products which can be considered a luxury, but nevertheless, the robots of our favorite science fictions are waiting for us just around the corner. Will it be another ten years? Twenty? Thirty? That depends on you... ...and me. I personally have decided to embark on the creation of a new robotic friend. Perhaps he will put in some good words for me if they eventually take over!
Don't know any good robots? Perhaps you should start familiarizing yourself with a few
3 weeks ago
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