Monday, March 18, 2013

Want safe veggies? Grow'em yourself!

Looking at my scary-thing-of-the-day calendar, i see that independent studies have evidently concluded that consumers are most likely to be exposed to high levels of pesticides via bell peppers, celery, carrots, lettuce, potatoes and kale.

This makes sense, as these are all either root vegetables, which would absorb the pesticides in their root, or vegetables that have a high water content but grow close to the ground.

Yup, if you want these veggies, best grow them yourself.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Harlem Shaking...

By day, I am a programmer at Lamar Advertising. We recently did our own Harlem Shake video, partially for the exercise (we've got a wellness challenge thing going on) - and partly just for fun. Well, it was a lot of fun - and a surprising amount of exercise, to boot.

Noteworthy things about this particular video? I'm in it, for one - I'm wearing a "I'm blogging this"* T-Shirt and a Bumble-bee Transformer mask. The guy who leads the whole thing off is wearing my Call of Duty helicopter helmet (although you can't really make out the "GameVortexGeck0" written on it... and, for those who play COD, he's Stabby McStabberton, aka StabbyMcStabberton aka Awful Me on Steam.

Also, to the left of Bumble-bee, you may see none other than Hardy, GV's own Junior Hardware Intern - wearing a blue and black luchador mask.

Check it out and see what you can spot...