Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Game Vortex Shouts Out to Little Rock with LamarPostr

I'm reaching out to the folks in Little Rock, Arkansas, using a new special digital billboard advertising program offered by Lamar Outdoor Advertising, Lamar Postr ( to introduce them to Game Vortex.

If you're in Little Rock, you might have seen any of these messages. This is just the beginning of the advertisement campaign, so they're just teasers, so far...

Got game?
- Game Vortex
So, who's heard of
Game Vortex?
So, what exactly IS
Game Vortex?
Hello, Little Rock!
- Game Vortex
What to Play?
- Game Vortex
Calling all Gamers
- Game Vortex
Try this at home:
Game Vortex
Would you like to
play a game?
- Game Vortex
Never waste good money
on bad games.
- Game Vortex
Curl up with
a good book?
- Game Vortex
Game On!
Game Vortex
Need ideas for
movie night?
- Game Vortex

One aspect that's pretty awesome is that you can change out the text on a given sign twice after the initial posted text, for a total of three messages per sign in a given day. The twelve messages you see above were posted in one day on four signs in the middle of Little Rock, Arkansas.

Starting tomorrow, I will begin an ad campaign that is alphabet-driven, highlighting some of the interesting aspects and featured content of Game Vortex. If you're in the area, pay close attention... we're looking at having a "pop-quiz" at the end, with a prize of some sort...

Stay tuned...