Monday, June 27, 2011

The UFC Kicks My @$$...

So, UFC Personal Trainer came in for review on the Xbox 360 with Kinect. I asked for this when I saw a short write up in a magazine for it, thinking it would be exactly what I needed to whip myself into shape.

At least I got the "whipped" part right. The first time I started a "Quick Workout," I had to exit out of it. I couldn't get through the warmup. Since then, I've tried some of the activities and actually started a 30-day workout plan to work on my Endurance... mainly so I'll have the endurance to try a 60-day workout plan to lose weight.

As I write this, my muscles are considering mutiny. I am not looking forward to the pain I will experience tomorrow, but I plan to stick with it and see it through the 30 days.

One down, 29 to go...